Monday, October 4, 2010

Alva Eddie Reategui

I took this image from the Sk8face blog. They have a lot of board graphics + other stuff. I never knew much about Reategui back in the 80's. I never really new much about Alva back then either. For the first year I skated, I pronounced it Awa lol. The one thing I remember is when I was in high school, some kid stole this board out of an older guys garage. He ended up selling it to a friend of mine, who tried to disguise it by painting it and changing some of the accessories. Needless to say, he ended up giving it back to the original owner and the thief got his ass kicked.

I never knew Reategui was Hosoi's homey until I watched the Rising Son documentary. Highly recommended. It seemed like an odd combo... flamboyant Hosoi and dirty Alva dude. This Alva retrospective at Chrome Ball is pretty cool.

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